Stanley Software



This is the SpaceShips project page. You can download source and binaries of my first ever C++ game here.
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The SpaceShips game is a one or two player side-scrolling space shooter. Collect the bananas for points and to hand control over to your friend. One player plays by using both hands, improving their ambidextral skills. There are three levels, which get progressively harder, and the last level has 174 enemies, so you're not supposed to complete it. As usual, if you have any questions, just send me an email. Really, I like being emailed. As long as there is a (relatively) good reason for it. For example, I don't want spam. Fan mail is nice, too much is annoying. I know have a lot of fans, but please, only one each unless you have a serious question, else you'll ruin it for the people who really need help.

Windows x86 Executable
This is an executable PE file for Windows. It has been compiled using Windows XP, please send me an email if it doesn't work on your operating system (provided it's Windows based, obviously), and I'll see what I can do. You need to extract it from the Zip file to run it. Just run 'spaceships.exe' from the root directory of the Zip file AFTER extracting it.
Download - Zip File - 538.3 KB
This is the source for the game. You will need a GNU C++ compiler and make installed to compile it. BloodShed Dev-C++ comes with these tools, and most Linux distributions. In Linux, this MUST be started from a terminal, otherwise it will just quit. Do NOT run the executable from a file manager as it may not work. You can try if you like, but if it doesn't work, try a terminal before moaning at me.
Download - Source TarBall - 158.5 KB
Download - Source Zip - 196.7 KB

Linux x86 Executable
This is an x86 executable ELF file for the Linux kernel. This probably will not work for you, even if you use Linux, so you should get the Source TarBall, and extract it somewhere, and issue 'make' in the 'spaceships' directory. Type './spaceships' to play. In Linux, this MUST be started from a terminal, otherwise it will just quit. Do NOT run the executable from a file manager as it may not work. You can try if you like, but if it doesn't work, try a terminal before moaning at me.
Download - TarBall - 165.5 KB
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