Command Line Function Evaluator and Graphing Program

X*Sin(X) zoomed out X*Sin(X) zoomed out #2 X*Sin(X) zoomed out #3
Function Evaluator Screenie
Download : (win32 binary)
FunctionEval.7z (win32 binary)

This is a program that I wrote for my own personal enjoyment of programming and mathematics. It allows you to create, evaluate, and plot mathematical functions on the command line. Help documentation is provided within the program by typing 'help'.

Above are some screenshots of the program in action. The first three are of the function f(x) = x*sin(x), zoomed out. It gives them a rather artistic quality with the way that the function draws the overlapping areas. I have always found mathematics to be rather beautiful.

The picture to the right is a screenshot of the command line window along with the graphical output window. There is a small quirk with the program. You need to select the graphical window every time you enter a plot command to see the graph.

Click on the images to see them full size.